Welcome to the Cloud Church!
An Online King James Bible Believing Church for those with no where else to go.
Website of Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker
An Online King James Bible Believing Church for those with no where else to go.
Welcome to the Cloud Church, an online meeting place for Bible Believers to study the Bible on "The Cloud" (the Internet). This site focuses on reaching: shut-ins, the elderly, the sick, prisoners, those who cannot travel, those without a local church home and/or those who just can't find good, old fashioned bible preaching and teaching anywhere nowadays. On this site you'll find links to Robert Breaker's Bible preaching/teaching videos on various platforms: (Click here for my various online video channels), as well as much more written info. The goal of this site is to:
1. EVANGELIZE THE SINNER! (1 Cor. 15:1-4)
2. EDIFY THE SAINTS! (1 Cor. 14:12)
4. EXALT THE SAVIOUR! (Col. 1:18)
If you have no church home, or even if you do and just want to learn more Bible, why not click on: Weekly Sermon, Past sermons, Bible Study Videos, Bible teaching verse by verse, etc., and get edified from the word of God?
Note: All preaching and teaching is only from the Authorized King James Bible. Why the King James Bible? Click here for a video PROVING it's the only true word of God in English: PROOF THE MATHEMATICAL PERFECTION OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE
Note: Robert Breaker is an ordained Minster sent by his home church in Monterrey, Mexico called: IGLESIA BAUTISTA BÍBLICA DE LA GRACIA (Grace Bible Baptist Church), whose website is found here: maravillosagracia.com
P.S. If you are looking for a good, Bible Believing LOCAL CHURCH in your area in the United States, look on this list for one near you: Find a Church | IndependentBaptist.church
Note: I'm now on TWITTER at: @Robert_Breaker
If the good Lord lays it upon your heart to help, please do so! Donate via paypal below.
Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou.
- Job 35:5