Website of Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker
No other book in the world has had a greater impact on history than the King James Bible. And, there is a reason for it. Do you know the reason? If not, you need to skim through this page!
For the King James Bible is more than just a "venerable version" or a "reliable translation." It is the very pure and preserved WORDS of the LIVING GOD for us today in the English language!
On this page you'll find information why everyone should read, believe, and defend the King James Bible, for it is indeed: The TRUE WORD OF GOD for English Speaking people!
You'll also see why new versions of the Bible are completely untrustworthy, as they take out whole words and even sentences, change doctrine, and even deny the deity of Christ. Why? Because they come from the corrupt line of bible texts and have been influenced by the occult, evil men, and the critical line of bible texts which are full of errors and mistakes! If you study all this out, you'll clearly see why KING JAMES ONLY is the only way to go!
The King James Bible has outsold ALL OTHER VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, and has brought more REVIVAL around the world than any other book ever in the history of time!
The King James also is not copyrighted in such a way that it prohibits people to freely copy, print, or distribute it. To the contrary, it's free for everyone to read, print, and distribute! It's called the AUTHORIZED version, because it is authorized by King James to be translated from the right line of bible texts, and to be read in churches and used by all so they can read and understand the word of God!
The truth points to the KING JAMES BIBLE as God's TRUE word for us today in English. And, the more you study the issue, the more you too will come to that conclusion.
So feel free to click on the videos, links, and books below and learn more about why KJV ONLY!
Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?
- Ecc. 8:4